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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Insurance Quest

With our recent move I was disappointed that our current insurance company couldn't cover us in our new location. I had built a good relationship with them over the years but we were forced to go out and shop around for a new company to represent us. Of course we were looking for car insurance cheap and after a bit of a search we were able to find it. It can be a challanging feat to find the best overall representation as there are so many things to consider, the amount of coverage you need, deductibles etc. It is certainly best to shop around when lookign for insurance and I was surprised to find I wasn't getting the best deal available even though I thought I was.


Carrie said...

Cheaper car insurance would be great.
Looking forward to more renovation projects tomorrow!


Mattyboy said...

It should be great fun shopping for doors, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm installing doors all night tommorrow.